Fish Processing Equipment

Our company offers equipment for processing of fish species salmon, pollock, and many other species of fish.

The equipment is made of stainless steel, allowing a long service life. It is as simple to operate and reliable. Most of the range of equipment designed for operation in coastal fish processing factories, and in the courts of the coastal and marine fishing. Over the long experience of its activity, our company has equipped any shop for the production of fish and squid. All equipment certified and under warranty.


2. Equipment for fish Heat treatment 

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High-quality production and sale of equipment for fish processing, Defrosting and Washing equipment, intensive fish cooling chambers, fish processing equipment, Equipment for fish Heat treatment, sausage equipment, packages, Machines for Filleting and Сutting, Equipment for Injection and Salting, Squid processing Machines, Filleting Machines, smoking equipment for sausage and climatic chambers for fish, Skinning & Scaling machines, cold smoked meat, smoking fish, Portion Сutter machines.

Technologies of fish production

The production process for the preparation of preserves includes the following stages and operations: First, the fish is washed. Then it is sorted and cut into fillets, carcass or slices. Canned mixtures, side dishes, sauces, and oils are prepared. Empty containers (cans) are prepared and served. Fish fillets are packed in jars and poured with brine, marinade, sauce or butter. Canned cans are corked. Their appearance is formalized. The finished products are packed in containers for transportation. Equipment The production line is equipped with equipment, on which various operations are carried out. Its composition depends on the manner in which the fish will be processed and in which containers to be packed. Equipment for fish production is selected in such a way that it can be used to produce preserves of various kinds. The line includes a complex of equipment, which processes semi-finished products and makes fish preparations. This complex consists of washing, filleting, scraping and other machines, on which fish are cut.