Conveyor lines for fish & meat processing

Conveyor lines

Wash Conveyor / glaze machine CL55

To use the washing line or glaze machine (after freezing the product). Water spray nozzles (up / down area)

Two-level conveyor for 8 work places CL 70
The manufacturer recommends the extraction of rib bones and the washing of the fillets by hand.
For 8 employees.
A simple solution for cutting fish / processing fish fillets with water and a conveyor.

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Lifting conveyor

Fillet after the filleting machine will come out at a height of approximately 500-600mm, it will be convenient to lift them to a two-level conveyor with a lifting conveyor. If the two-level conveyor is not procured, then the lifting conveyor will not be needed.


Lifting conveyor

Screw-Lifting Conveyor

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Equipment7.com - RZPO
Product Name
Conveyor lines for fish & meat processing