14.09.2018 / A defroster was launched with a capacity of up to 7 tons of products.

September 14, 2018 launch of a defroster with a capacity of up to 7 tons of products. Material – chicken semi-finished products. Defroster with a capacity of 14 special frames was launched in the MoD at the poultry processing plant. The speed and performance of the poultry processing site are significantly improved. The chief technologist is pleased with the result.

chicken semi-finished products

27.07.2018 / A defroster was launched at the fish factory in the Moscow region.

On July 27, 2018, a defroster with a capacity of up to 5 tons per cycle was launched at a fish factory in the Moscow region. Our company manufactured it on a turnkey basis including: frames, body and defroster itself Frames special execution with a capacity of up to 800 kg of product.

fish factory

11.07.2018 / A camera for defrosting dairy products was launched.

On July 11, 2018, a camera for defrosting dairy products was launched at a dairy plant in the Vladimir region: cottage cheese and butter with a capacity of up to 2 tons of product per cycle. The chief technologist of the plant is pleased with the results. Speed and productivity are increased while improving the quality of the thawed product.

21.05.2018 / Automatic fish drying equipment has been launched at the fish processing plant.

On May 21, 2018, in the city of Almaty, the Republic of Kazakhstan, an automatic hip was launched at a fish processing plant with a capacity of 18 frames or up to 4 tons of fresh fish. The first batch of drying turned out to be of excellent quality. The guide is pretty purchasing our equipment. Subsequent batches also came out delicious and beautiful. Below is a picture of the fish from the first batch of drying.

fish processing plant

Kazakhstan equipment